How to buy
It is quick and easy to order. Please follow the steps below it.
** Every time before purchase please recheck (Log in) your name and shipping address is correct. **
Step 1.
You You can select the top menu Products> Product Type> Categories interest > Select the products you are interested.
Step 2.
Clicking a product. You will find a product details and price of the product
Step 3.
Choose the product you want and click then click”Add to Cart” to select an item in an ordered list.
Step 4.
Click the ”shopping cart” the upper right corner of the screen.
After check the product information, click proceed and check out.
Step 5.
Please fill in your information “name – last name, shipping address, phone number, email ” if you have more information please fill in "additional information" on the right side block.
Step 6.
Please choose your payment method by check box in front of each method "1. Direct bank transfer 2. Credit / Debit Card and Cash Payment (2C2P)" .
Step 7.
Please click ”Place order” for the next payment.
** When you have confirmed the order, the ordering information will be recorded on the system . **
You can check your order at My Account page.
If you have any questions on your order you can call us at Callcenter 02-751-9360 # 606 , 304 , 305 , 090-090-6797 or send email to johnsonmkt@johnsonfitness.com
How to pay
You can pay via 2C2P Payment Gateway

Step 1.Direct bank transfer
Please click ”Place order” for the next payment and confirm payment by attach pay slip then click submit.
Step 2.Credit card
Please click ”Place order” for the next payment and choose "Pay via 2C2P" .
Step 3.Installment program
2C2P page choose installment program, choose bank and accept term and condition
** Wait for data validation , payment and shipping. **
If you have any questions about the payment can be contacted Call center 02-751-9360 # 606 , 304,305 ,090-090-6797 or send email to johnsonmkt@johnsonfitness.com